Sunday, April 7, 2013

Practical Jokes

Middle school is the prime time to show people how rebellious you truly are. This is mainly because we have nothing else better to do. One of the biggest pranks we pull on each other is teepeeing each other’s houses. And since we could not drive anywhere, we would do it to someone in our neighborhood; preferably to someone we knew and did not care for very much.

          Teepeeing is a great prank because everyone has toilet paper in their house and even if you don’t it is cheap to buy. Also it makes for a tough clean-up for the person you are pranking. The best (or worst depending on which side of the prank you are on) conditions are when it is rainy or windy. When it is windy, the toilet paper flies everywhere and it is hard to get all of it. And when it is rainy the toilet paper gets all mushy and sticks to everything it was put on which clearly sounds disgusting and horrible to pick up.

          As we get older we get bored with teepeeing and move on to egging. Never have I ever egged someone’s house, car, or any other personal property. I can honestly say that I probably never will. Egging is way more disgusting than the worst teepeeing conditions you can think of. Eggs are sticky. And they are not fun to get off of things when they dry. They also smell. When they are cooked they smell pretty good; especially when other things are put in with them. But when they are raw and soaking in the sunlight, they smell pretty gross. Both of these elements make for the worst time trying to clean it up.

          Now that I have a car, I have a much more respect for personal property. In middle school it was funny to pull these pranks on people and them hear them complain about how much work it was to clean it up. But now, if my car gets dirty or messed up in any way, shape, or form I have to clean it. It is my responsibility to make sure it still functions and I’m going to keep that responsibility because if I don’t then I will not have a car. So basically, I guess I’m realizing that the things we did in middle school were some of the dumbest choices we made.

(403 words)

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