Sunday, April 7, 2013


There are 7 weeks and 1 day left of school. At this point in the school year pretty much every student is using the term “senioritis” for their lack of caring about school. Now we are all thinking how can anyone actually say they have senioritis if they are not even a senior? And really I guess we can’t. But I don’t think it should be called senioritis for a couple of reasons.

          First off, during spring term everyone feels as if they do not care about school anymore for the year. This causes us to not want to do homework, not study as much for tests, stop dressing nicely (or stop pretending like you are going to), and even skip some classes. Every year these things get more and more extreme. Freshman year it was a lot of talk. We all pretended like we didn’t care, but still did all of our homework on time. Sophomore year there was a little more procrastination. And now as a junior I can say that as I sit here on this Sunday night, this is the first homework I have done all day (I don’t mean to sound like a hard ass). This year is almost over and as fast as it has gone, I feel like I have been doing homework forever. So now I am just really over making sure I do the absolute best on every single assignment we get.

          Kind of going along with the first reason, senioritis is not so much of what grade you are in, but more of what time of year it is. I would have to say that spring term is the laziest term of the year…for everyone. Now if you are in a sport during spring term this might be different because you have to keep your grades up to stay in the sport. And personally, when I’m in a sport I have a routine of when I do my homework because I know there times when I absolutely have no time to get it done. But like I said it is usually spring when most people’s procrastination and laziness really set in.

          The end of the year is almost here and senioritis or rather junioritis has set in. And now that the weather is finally getting nice, it is making it even harder to think about school and do homework on the weekends and during the week. But we can do it. Only 7 weeks and 1 day.

(420 words)

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