Sunday, March 10, 2013

Where's Sping?

In the months of December-February am totally okay with snow. I love to have a white Christmas. And then New Year’s comes around and I still expect there to be snow. Then when we come back to school after break, I am okay with the snow, but hope that the end is near. Now it is March 10th and there is STILL snow on the ground. I’m pissed.

          When I think of third trimester I think of the weather warming up, leaves back on trees, green grass, and flowers taking bloom. Last year at this time, most of these things were happening. And on the first day of the third trimester I was wearing capris and sandals. This year, that was not the case. This year I wore jeans and boots. That is simply just not okay with me. I am ready to stop wearing jeans. I want to wear shorts and not have to worry about whether or not I should bring a coat.

          Like I said above, when I think of spring I think of green grass and leaves back on trees. It seems like every time the snow melts, we get another snow storm. With this we get more snow days which are now being added on to the end of the year—in June. So that should probably just stop. But if you take a quick look outside I’m sure you won’t see much more than snow. Earlier today, I was watching the news and they were showing the forecast for next week. It showed that we are supposed to be getting MORE snow yet again tonight. Although, it’s only 1-3 inches, it’s still more snow.

          I think I made it pretty clear how much I am over snow for this winter. I want to wear shorts. I want it to be nice outside. I got a new tube top and I want to cut the tags off (Bridesmaids reference). OKAY not the point. But seriously, CAN IT JUST BE SPRING ALREADY?

(340 words)

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