Sunday, September 16, 2012

How to Ask Someone to Homecoming

Homecoming is an exciting and fun part of high school for everyone. Part of the fun and excitement is the creative ways guys ask the girls to go. There are always guys that put a lot of thought in it and come up with really creative ideas. Then there are some that aren’t very creative and struggle with ways to ask. Here are some tips to help those guys out:

1.     Be confident. Don’t worry whether or not the girl will say yes. If you are confident and creative, chances are she won’t say no.

2.    Talk it over. Ask your friends if they think it would be a good idea to ask the girl you have in mind. It’s always good to have a second opinion on big decisions. Also you can ask them if they have any creative ideas for ways to ask.

3.    Google it. If neither you nor your friends can think of any good ways to ask, Google it. There are tons of ideas that come up that way. It will at least get your creative juices flowing.

4.    Be original. There are some ideas that are creative, but are kind of a “been there, done that” kind of thing. You don’t want to be the boring person that uses someone else’s idea. If you really like an idea like this, you can always just put your own little twist on it.

5.    Talk to her friends. Once you decide how to ask your date, get a couple of her friends to help. It doesn’t hurt to have a couple extra creative hands on the project. And the more brains, the better.

6.    Keep it a secret. It is more exciting if you ask the people helping to keep the idea and girl a secret. It’s more fun the girl to be completely surprised, too.

7.    Get to know the girl. If you ask a girl that you don’t know very well, make sure you get to know her better by the time of the dance. Going with a friend that you know pretty well is more fun than going with someone you don’t know very well.

8.    Have fun. The most important thing to do is to just have fun and let loose. Being a little crazy will make it more fun for you, your date, and everyone else around you!

If you remember all of these things, you are sure to have a great time at homecoming! Remember to be yourself and just have fun with it!

(430 words)

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