Sunday, October 14, 2012

Picture Perfect

They always say “A picture is worth a thousand words.” And to me it truly is. Pictures are what capture the best and worst of times. Though they only capture a single moment in time, the story behind it has a much bigger meaning.

          Pictures are everywhere in our everyday life. And without them I think life would be pretty boring. They tell stories, good and bad, and help us learn new things. When babies are born, parents, friends and family members take thousands of pictures. This is because they don’t want to forget a single moment of their life. My parents still have my baby pictures and to this day we still pull them out every once in a while. Even though, I can’t remember what was happening, my parents can and I think it’s important to them.

          I broke my leg in third grade. It was a long process in the hospital and physical therapy to get back to normal. Along the way, my mom took tons of pictures trying to capture those significant moments. Even though, they weren’t the happiest or most fun times, they are a big part of my life. And when I look at them, they remind me of the wonderful people that helped me get through it and made it just a little bit better.

          You could say I have a passion for taking and looking at pictures. In my room I like to surround myself with them. There are at least 10 picture frames in my room already. Not only do I like to just have pictures up, I like to put them up in creative ways that are somewhat out of the ordinary. For instance, I bought some Christmas lights to hang up on the wall and when they are up I’m going to hang pictures from them in between the lights. I also bought a picture frame that isn’t your usual square/rectangular frame. This one is a bunch of oversized paper clips put together. Pictures are a one of a kind piece of work. And I like to display them like that.

(356 words)

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