As little kids we hated the words “nap time” and would do
anything to get out of the treacherous time we had to spend being quiet. But as
we are getting older, we look back on those days and wish they were still here.
Being a student at Kennedy High School is no breeze. The days are long and
exhausting. And we are always being pushed to take more AP classes by our teachers
and, of course, Dr. W. I strongly believe that there should be a class for AP
Napping. And here’s why.
We need more opportunities
to sleep now, than we did when we were younger. Now that we are in high school,
the day starts an hour earlier than it did in elementary. We are used to this
from middle school, but what we aren’t used to is the amount of homework. With more
homework being given out, we have to stay up later to get it all done. This is
that bad if you go home right after school and start it. But let’s be honest,
how many people do you know that actually do that.
One main reason
most of us can’t go home and start our homework right away is because of sports
and other activities. Practices usually start right after school and last two
to three hours. Then when we get home, we are worn out from the practice and just
want to relax for a little bit. But there really is no time for that because
the later we put off our homework, the later we have to stay up.
Because we are
all being pushed to take harder classes, we deserve a break in the middle of the
day. Though, going to lunch helps break up the day and is a nice pause in
between classes, it’s definitely not long enough. But if we added a napping
class into our fourth hour (where lunch falls) then it would be perfect! It
would break up the day very nicely and it would give us students the extra
boost of energy we need to finish out our afternoon classes.
I don’t know a
single student that would oppose to the idea of AP Napping. I could see
everyone wanting to take it. It would be beneficial to the students and
teachers. Creating this class is probably the best idea anybody has ever had!
(405 words)